Saturday, March 15, 2008

My little leaguer

This is Grayson's first year playing baseball. He's never been interested before, probably because Fuller complained about how boring baseball is both years he played. I think my kids just like to run too much, and baseball involves a fair amount of just standing around doing nothing or sitting in the dugout doing nothing. Since Grayson didn't play when he was younger he missed the T-ball experience, so now he has to play pitching machine his first year out. He's on a really cute little team, very reminiscent of the bad news bears. They've had three practices, and so far only about 3 of the 10 kids on the team can even come close to actually hitting the ball, catching it when it's thrown directly at them, or throwing it in the direction of the person they need to get it to. Fortunately their coach seems like a fairly quiet and patient man. I've been to two of Grayson's practices and so far his main skills seem to be chewing on and fiddling with his mitt, digging a really good hole with the tip of his cleat, and looking uncomfortable when the coach asks them if they're wearing a cup. Boys and sports, gotta love it!


Paige said...

I am literally laughing out loud. I can just picture those boys WAY too vividly because that's what my brothers used to do. Too funny.

Aundrea said...

I can only imagine his cute little face when the coach asks the 'cup question':)

Unknown said...

That is too funny. You do stand around a lot in baseball, don't you??

Tiffini said...

I always thought baseball would be a tough sport for all the standing around. I hope Grayson enjoys it.

,,,, said...

Haw Haw Haw! Hee Hee Hee! Thanks for the laugh!