Monday, February 2, 2009

Darn Groundhog

Today Punxsatawney Phil had the gall to come out and see his shadow, thus predicting 6 more weeks of Winter. Doesn't he know how sick I am of winter? Lucky for me he doesn't have a very good track record. Apparently he only gets it right about 39% of the time. I say, bring on the sun!


Lynn Boyle said...

here you loud and clear!!!

Anonymous said...

We watched Groundhog Day the other night, which is one of Todd's all time favorite movies! He served his mission there, and he said it's quite the scene with the whole event they put on, just like in the movie!
But yeah, I'm with you, I've had my fill of winter!

Candy said...

He sure doesn't have a very good track record - I am ready for warmer weather that is for sure!

Tiffiny said...

I agree. But wasn't today so nice! It made me forget all that miserable snow we just suffered through.