From the very beginning, our family has had an interesting relationship with the Tooth Fairy. The promise of one of her visits brings much excitement to the house, and occasionally some concern. The Tooth Fairy is not necessarily known for her reliability. Sometimes her memory is faulty. Generally she pulls through in the end though.
Our very first encounter with the Tooth Fairy came many years ago. When Fuller was in Kindergarten, after much crying over the blood and pain, he lost his first tooth. We had explained all about how fun it was to loose teeth and how the nice Tooth Fairy would bring him something in exchange for that tooth. He seemed interested. However, Fuller has always been the kind of kid who over thinks things. By the time bedtime rolled around he was quiet and tearful. He finally said that he didn't want the Tooth Fairy coming in his room while he was asleep, and could he please put his tooth under my pillow instead. We finally convinced him that it would be all right, and that he had nothing to worry about. When he finally fell into a nervous sleep, we made sure she came right away. In the morning he was thrilled with his crisp $1 bill, and I think a little relieved that he survived having a "stranger" come in his room while he was sleeping.
Since then she has made many trips to our house. She even took a detour to Grandma and Grandpa's house once when a tooth came out during a sleep over. She's also received many little notes from us over the years. We've had to write her notes because teeth have been lost before we can get them safely under the pillow. And every now again the boys have each had trouble with wanting to let a tooth go. They have each at some point written to her, asking if they can please keep their tooth (but still get money of course.) I'm not really sure why they've wanted to keep some teeth but been happy to let others go, but we have a very nice Tooth Fairy and she honors all requests. Well, except for the ones asking her to raise her rates.