Rowan doesn't like to be left out, so when they play they make him the honorary referee. He has no real say in the game, which is a good thing since most of the time he doesn't even watch it.
There have been some fun pick up games with friends.
And they let Grayson be on a team when they need another player. He's getting to be pretty good so no one complains about getting him.
It's great when there are friends around to make the games more exciting,
but the real competition is between father and son.
Paul knows that his days of being able to beat Fuller are numbered. And those numbers are rapidly dwindling.
So for now, Paul likes to show that he's still got "it"
And teach the boy a thing or two.
These boys have so much fun together! I love watching Jeremy play with Talon, it gets quite competetive!
Look at how tall Fuller is getting!He is almost as big as Paul! I think that Paul's days really are numbered!
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