Sunday, September 9, 2012


I'm happy to report that we all survived the first week of school.  Grayson is in 6th grade and Rowan in 4th.  Rowan gets to start the year off with his arm in a cast.  He fell off his bike and broke his wrist.  Other than that I am feeling like it's going to be a great year.  We are loving that they are both back at the school near our house this year and can walk or ride their bikes to school.  I really like that we are all in  the same building.
Fuller is a sophomore this year.  He is taking some  challenging classes and is already very busy with his cross country schedule.  It's funny to hear him talk about the freshmen- like he is so far removed from that.
In honor of the start of a new year I put together some little gifts for some of my favorite educators.  I hope they all have a great year!

1 comment:

Tiffiny said...

I love the teachers treats! What a great idea. Its fun to see you and your big boys walking by our house in the mornings! Glad everything is going well.