Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weathering the heat

This week has seen record high temperatures in our area, with several consecutive days with 100 plus temperatures. We north-westerners aren't cut out for that kind of heat. We kind of melt. This week it has been a challenge to keep the boys and I happy, cool and entertained. Luckily we have window air conditioners in our bedrooms so at least we have slept comfortably. Unfortunately the boys start acting like caged animals when we all spend too much time in the same room. In our efforts to keep cool this week we've gone to the library, slowly paced the aisles at Walmart and Safeway, eaten lots of ice cream and popsicles, gone bowling and eaten many picnic style meals in the master bedroom. But I think the boys' favorite stay cool activity was going to the park to play in the creek.

The water looked pretty muddy and murky to me, but they loved it.

And said it felt refreshing.

I'm really hoping that a serious cooling trend is on the way, because I've had about all the heat I can take.

1 comment:

Candy said...

It was fun at the park - we definately have to do it again:)