Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This ones about ME

I was tagged by Paige-

What is your current obsession? Throwing things away. I think the thought of maybe going back to work this fall has me freaked out about the condition of my house.

What do you hate the most that everyone else seems to love? Dancing with the stars.

What are you wearing today?
Brown cargo pants, white t-shirt, Paul's nice leather flip flops

What's for dinner? COSTCO burgers cooked on the grill and fried potatoes(from the potatoes that we dug up in our garden yesterday)

What would you eat for your last meal? That's a hard one. Probably crab cakes and brownies, that's sounding good right now.

What is the last thing you bought?
Bandaids. The boys are going through some serious band aids this summer. Even with my no bandaid unless there's blood rule.

What are you listening to right now?
"Vacation" by Vitamin C- forgot how fun that song is! Also a fan of her "Graduation" song

What do you think of the person who tagged you? Paige is my all time favorite neighbor ever! She's kind and generous and always willing to lend a hand, no matter what the request. She has a great sense of humor and is always fun to talk to and commiserate with. Plus she's fun to go fabric shopping with!

If you could have a house, fully paid for, and totally furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be? Portland. That's my city!

If you could go anywhere for the next hour, where would it be?
The movies. Preferably with no kids.

What is one of your hobbies? Knitting

What are 3 things that annoy you most?
1. Rude people
2. Biased news coverage
3. Stepping on LEGOs in the middle of the night

What is your favorite color? Changes all the time.

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? My big pink fluffy bathrobe. If I could wear it in public I probably wouldn't be such a homebody.

What is your dream job?
Not sure. Something crafty, creative or involving books.

What are you going to do after this?
Take Grayson to WALMART so he can spend some of his birthday money.

What inspires you? Beauty in Nature.

Who was the last person you kissed?
Rowan, after he fell off his scooter.

What are you currently reading?
Just finished reading Fahreheit 451. Completely mind blowing how prophetic some of Bradbury's predictions were. Lots of good food for thought.

What delighted you most today? Watching Rowan jump into the deep end at swimming lessons today. The smile was priceless.

I'm usually horrible at doing tags, so I'm not going to tag anyone. But if you feel like doing this one it's pretty fun.


Paige said...

No, YOU are the bestest neighbor ever. Any neighbor that will lend me her ketchup bottle, and dig through my messy closet when I thought we had left Brian's suit at home when we were in Utah, and come feed our crazy gerbils is worth her weight in gold! Thanks for being you! And for doing the tag. ;)

Marie said...

Where are you going to work this fall? That's a big change- I still feel like I'm in transition sometimes on that one. Also - about F.451 - I remember thinking those similar thoughts - it also came to mind a couple years ago when we got our large flat screen HD TV!