Sunday, October 4, 2009

His Golden Day

(A very belated post about Grayson's birthday.)

On August 9, 2009, Grayson turned 9. It's hard to believe he's getting that old. One more year and he'll be in the double digits! For Grayson's birthday we let him pretty much call all the shots for the day. Grayson generally has very specific ideas about what he wants and what he wants to do. Thankfully they are usually fun and easy to comply with.
Grayson had only two things he wanted for his birthday this year, a Nintendo DS with a game or two and a warm, snuggly bathrobe. Thanks to generous relatives Grayson got enough money to buy a DS, a nice case and several games. He was VERY excited! The robe was a bit more difficult. August is not really a good time to shop for a warm robe.

After much shopping and internet surfing I decided that I was just going to have to make him one. He was pleased with the results, and the team reference.

His other wishes included getting fish and chips at the Bowpicker in Astoria, having cupcakes that he got to decorate, going to Fort Stevens, and playing at Shipwreck beach. We said YES! to all of the above.
It was a little windy at Fort Stevens, so mother nature got to blow Grayson's candles out for him.

Grandma and Grandpa came and spent the day with us. I don't think they've ever missed one of the kids' birthdays. We love them for that!

Then it was off to explore the fort. We've taken the kids here a couple of times before and they never tire of it.

Paul and Buster liked it too.

When we finally got down to the beach Rowan talked Grandpa into walking down to explore the wreck of the Iredale.

And then even though it wasn't very warm, the boys just had to get into the water.

And act like maniacs in the waves.

Then for some reason, being wet and cold, getting covered in sand seemed like a good idea.

Then everyone was covered in sand.

Rowan kept claiming he wasn't cold, but was snuggling up to me quite a bit.

Fuller never admits he's cold. Even when his teeth are chattering through his smile.

We rounded out our wonderful day with lots of digging in the sand,

and hanging out together.

We concluded our day with ice cream comes from Custard King, and a quiet, contented drive home.
Grayson said it was his best birthday ever, and he wants to do the same exact thing next year!


Shannon b said...

that sounds like a FABULOUS birthday! I love that he had a creative list of places he wanted to go/do/see/eat. We ask our kids what they want to do and the answer is Chuck E. Cheese.
And great job on the robe!

Rochelle said...

Love the robe! Happy very belated birhday!

Jodi said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Grayson! What a fun filled event it was...WOW! And a mighty fine robe he aquired! Good job, Mom :)

Tiffiny said...

What a great birthday! My kids get a homemade cake with just our immediate family around the dining room table. Maybe I should take some pointers from you! And you just send that poor Grayson to my house before Fuller can completely brainwash him into being a Ducks fan!