Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Picture in His Pocket

Rowan made it through a whole week without any tears or meltdowns about going to school. He was a little grumpy and overly sensitive at times, but seems to be making progress.

Several weeks ago when he was having a particularly hard morning, he asked if he could take a picture of me to school. (He carried a picture of our family in his back pack for about the first half of kindergarten.) I quickly found a picture of me, and cut it into about a 2X2 inch square so it would fit easily in his pocket. He headed off to school and didn't mention it again. I assumed he had lost the picture, or that it had gone through the wash.

A few days ago when it was just about time to leave for school he said he forgot something, and quickly ran upstairs. He came back down holding the little picture of me in his hand. He's been taking it to school everyday, and then putting it somewhere safe in his room every day when he gets home.

I asked him if he ever looks at it when he's at school, or if he just likes knowing it's in his pocket. He said sometimes he looks at it at recess if he's feeling lonely.

I tell ya, that boy knows how to melt my heart.


Jodi said...

Oh my...that is just priceless! What a tender little boy. I love it! And he obviously adores his mama!

Shannon b said...

Melt your heart . . . . seriously! that is so so touching!

Adrienne said...

My hubbie always says 'boys love their mama's' - I guess he's right!

What a sweet story. I'm glad he found a way to find some comfort in his long day.

Tiffiny said...

Too sweet!

Marie said...

Aaaaawww. That was so sweet!