Sunday, January 3, 2010

First Snow of Winter

Early last week we had our first winter storm. It was thankfully short and sweet, and came when we had no where we needed to go. The boys immediately headed outside to make the most of every minute. They know that Oregon snowstorms are usually very short lived.

After it had snowed about 1/2 an inch, they came indoors to request that we go buy sleds. Knowing that there wouldn't be enough snow for sledding, we declined.

They did manage to play some hockey.

And make really big snowballs.

The next morning Grayson and Rowan were back out in it early. They knew it had warmed up and started to melt, so they had to hurry.

Grayson built himself a little fort, with a roof to keep the rain out.

While Rowan built a snowman, all by himself.

And then Grayson made a bigger one to show him how it's done.
It was fun while it lasted, but I can't say I was sorry to see it go.

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