Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Blue and yellow wonderfulness!

Today is an exciting day for me. The first IKEA store in the state of Oregon opened this morning, and it's less than an hour from my house~! I can feel my house on the verge of complete organization, just knowing there are IKEA products so close by. It's killing me to wait to go check it out, but I'm not feeling foolhardy enough to try to brave the crowds of opening week. They had allowed people to start pitching tents on Monday in anticipation of this mornings grand opening. You have to be way crazier than me to spend to night in a parking lot just for a chance to shop. The only thing more exciting this week is the new Harry Potter book, which I just finished. I'll be going to bed really early tonight to catch up on the sleep I missed the last two nights while reading until I could no longer keep my eyes open. I'm so sad to see it come to an end, those books have been totally addicting! Now I must get back to being a mom, my house has really fallen into chaos while I have had my nose stuck in that book.

1 comment:

Warmbeachjo said...

I can't wait to IKEA shop tax free the next time I'm in Portland. Hurray!