Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Grade Stress

Things seemed to be going pretty smoothly so far this school year. The boys have been getting up and ready for school on time. They seem to like their teachers, and have been almost complaint free. I let out that breath I've been holding since the night before school started.

Yesterday when I went to pick up Rowan he latched right on to me, and pretty much hugged me all the way to the car. I asked him what was wrong. He said sometimes at school he feels nervous. And that he forgot how to make a small g.

During the afternoon and evening he was his normal crazy self. Then about a half and hour after we had tucked him in when heard noises up stairs. Paul went up to find him sitting in the bathroom sobbing. He said he didn't know how to make the "monkey tail" on his g and he didn't want to get in trouble for not getting his work done. He said he didn't finish his paper yesterday and he still had two rows of gs to do. He said his teacher yelled that they should already be done. He said he never wanted to go back to school, and he might get sick so he can stay home.

He's such a sensitive little person sometimes, I'm sure he felt like she was yelling at him, even if she was just saying it (at least that's what I hope.) So we turned the lights on and practiced some gs, until he felt sure he could do them. Then he clutched me for dear life until he fell asleep.

This morning when I got up he was sitting on the living room floor, practicing his gs. He didn't cry this morning, but he was very serious. He said he thought he could probably finish his page of gs, and then he went to school.

I don't know what exactly is stressing him out so much at school, but I doubt it's really the letter g. Hopefully it's just adjusting to all the change, and the longer school day.


Tiffini said...

Poor kid. I hope he gets comfortable in his class and I really hope he doesn't have a teacher who yells.

Jill said...

Oh, what a sweet boy. I hope the rest of his week is better. Those long days are brutal! They do 2 full days a week, for kindergarten here. My little 5 year old is wiped out on those days. Tell him "teacher Jill" says "hi and I'm sure his lowercase g's have a perfect monkey tail."

Little Snoring said...

Hi Michelle

Thanks for visiting my blog and entering the giveaway, hope you will visit again soon.

best wishes


ps. hopefully the school stuff will work out, still very stressful for you and your lovely boy

Enid said...

I love that sorry he is having a tough week. Maybe if you chat with his teacher you can let her know how he's feeling so she can be extra aware. He's the happiest kid and I hope he can be that way at school.

Elder Caleb Habel said...

That is tough!!! I have not had that kind of experience...YET. You are such a good mom, it's hard sending these little guys and gals out into the harsh world. And yet I do believe it builds character. Hope this week is happier.

Jodi said...

This post made my heart hurt. Sweet Rowan. He has such a tender heart. I hope things look up for him and that his monkey tails start to flow a little easier. Sending happy thoughts his way.