Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Town

Back in the late 1990's the cheesy Disney channel movie "Halloweentown" was filmed in our little town. I didn't live here then, but I enjoy watching that movie and recognizing the landmarks. There must be "something" about our town, since years later the "Twilight" movie was filmed here as well.

In the weeks leading up to Halloween our little old town got all decked out for the holiday.

The town square in front of the courthouse was made to look somewhat like it does in "Halloweentown", and local businesses put creepy figures out. It was all for a good cause too. You could vote for your favorite with a canned food donation.

One day after school I took Grayson and Rowan down to check them out. They thought it was great fun to run around old town and "meet" all the creepy new residents.

Rowan kept saying that "this would be too scary for a little kid!" I wonder who he was thinking of?

In the end they both decided that this super tall pirate was their favorite. He was mine too.

This little walk was the perfect way to get us all in the mood for Halloween!


Elder Caleb Habel said...


Marie said...

Fun. We'll have to check that out next year if they do it.