Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hallowen 2009

This year was a little bit of a different Halloween for us. For the first time in a long time we had 2 trick-or-treaters instead of 3. Fuller opted to have a couple of friends over to eat pizza, pass out candy and watch the Duck game. Just another sign that he's growing up I guess. He seemed to have a great time and not really miss dressing up.

Rowan was undecided about what to be for Halloween until just a few days before, when he spotted this GI JOE costume at the store. I think the thing he liked most about it was that he got to carry a weapon.

Grayson was determined to be a "run over man". He had wanted to be this last year, but we were able to talk him out of it then. This year he was determined. He and I had a great time painting the van tire and driving over his shirt.

When they got back from trick or treating he rang our doorbell and then laid down on the front porch like he was dead. That kid's got a flair for the dramatic!

They dragged Paul around for about an hour and a half and got way too much candy, but were very generous in sharing it with Fuller.


Jodi said...

The boys looked great. I love the drive over man costume! Very creative :)
Glad Fuller had a good time passing out candy. He is definitely growing up :)

Tiffiny said...

That is a great costume! What an imagination! Looks like you have enough candy there to feed the masses!