Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Is homework getting harder...

...or did my brain quit working? Fuller brought home the following two math problems today for homework. They made my head hurt!

1. Eight children divided 32 apples. Kitty took 1 apple, Mary 2, Sherrie 3, and Caroline 4. Bob Smith took as many as his sister. Ken Brown took twice as many as his sister, Jim Jones 3 times as many as his sister, and Tom Robinson 4 times as many as his sister. What is the last name of each of the 4 girls?

2. At a math contest 20 problems were given. Each correct answer earned 5 points, and 2 points were deducted for each incorrect answer. Lenore answered all the problems, receiving a score of 72. How many correct answers did she have?

Are you smarter than a fourth grader? I'm beginning to think I'm not!

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