Sunday, March 8, 2009


How can it be that my first born is 12? I just don't know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I was getting him ready for kindergarten. Now he's got feet as big as mine and pre-teen angst. Like most kids his age Fuller has his "moments", but he really is a fantastic young man. Fuller is a hard worker, a good student, a sweetheart and a total crack up. We love this boy, and are so blessed to have him in our family. Fuller spent his birthday demonstrating his very best self. In the morning he volunteered to come along and help the cub scouts pick up bags for Goodwill/Goodturn. He worked hard lugging heavy bags and walking many blocks with no complaints. And in the afternoon while we were celebrating at "Safari Sams" he was a patient and helpful older brother, lifting and pulling Rowan through the advanced climbing course. As sad as I am to have him grow up, I sure like seeing how he's turning out.

As is our tradition, he started off his special day with a healthy dose of sugar cereal.

After our cub scout activities we took the kids to "Safari Sams", which is pretty much like Chuckee Cheese on steroids. They have an arcade, glow in the dark mini golf, bouncy houses, a gigantic jungle gym and really overpriced food. The boys loved it! Once the kids were exhausted we headed home for a family party with some of our favorite grandparents.
Fuller and Grandpa showed that sometimes rivals can get along.

Presents were opened. My parents thrilled Fuller by getting him the Star Wars Wii game he wanted.

We were happy that my parents and Paul's dad were all able to join us for dinner and cake. Fuller picked ice cream cake this year.

Happy Day sweet boy! Hope your wish comes true!

Since Rowan's birthday is this Friday we went ahead and celebrated his birthday too while the grandparents were here. Although we will do something on the real day too.

He was very excited to get to open presents early.

The lego power miners from grandma and grandpa were a big hit!

Rowan was really good at giving everyone hugs after he opened his present from them.

Fuller's new game has quickly become a favorite at our house. I think it has something to do with the Wii light saber that you get to play with.

So far we've only had one injury.

Here are a few facts about Fuller- at 12

-Favorite food- potstickers
-Favorite restaurant- TODAI
-Favorite TV show- anything on ESPN
-Favorite movie- Napoleon Dynamite
-Favorite thing to do- Play sports
-Best friend-Dylan and Trey
-Favorite game- Cribbage
-Favorite toy- Wii and legos
-What makes you laugh? -Uncle Jason's "Fremo's" joke
-Favorite color- green
-Most important thing you learned when you were 11? locker combination
-What do you hate?- When Grayson says "your being a parent" and cleaning
-What do you hope to get for your birthday?- Duck clothes and Star Wars Force Unleashed


Paige said...

Happy Birthday, Fuller!!! Wow. I can't believe he will be passing the SACRAMENT next week.

Candy said...

I just have to say I thought he was adorable today when he came up to the front at Sacrament meeting. What a good looking young man - I remember when he was born and just a little guy - does that mean my kids have grown older too? Why does time seem to go so fast?

Gina said...

Happy Birthday Fuller! Turning 12 is such a big milestone. He will enjoy moving on to YM.

Shannon b said...

happy birthday to Fuller! I bet he's so excited to join the Young Men.

Rochelle said...

Happy Birthday! Wow, can you believe how fast time goes?

I've just started to except the fact that Tresa is 12 and up and now I have Talon. 12 was hard for me.

Tiffini said...

Happy Birthday Fuller! Sounds like a really good day.

Jodi said...

Happy Birthday, Fuller! He was so excited as he left the primary room on Sunday and headed to YM!

Anonymous said...

Wow, YM's now!!! I bet he will LOVE it :)
And tell him he has great taste in cereal, because Corn POPS is one of my all time fav's!
Happy birthday to your sweet boy (I mean young MAN)!!!

Tiffiny said...

Happy birthday to Fuller! That is so neat that you have another Priethood holder in your home now.