Thursday, February 12, 2009

The good ol' days

I swear I heard trees weeping today. Well not literally, but I did feel like I was killing one. When I help at the kids' school it seems like I am making a lot of photocopies. The other day I photocopied for almost 2 hours straight, and there were people in there making copies on the other 2 machines at the same time. I know much of that paper never gets recycled. I think we seriously need to think about taking a step back in time. Maybe go back to using chalk and slates like on "Little House on the Prairie". I know all that chalk dust and having to check each slate was probably a pain for teachers, but surely there must be a better way. Do our kids really need to be bringing home a ream worth of photocopies each week?

OK, rant over.


Paige said...

I TOTALLY agree with you!! My kids always bring home SO much paper. Joelle's teacher (while very sweet and organized) sends home a two page "newsletter" every week. Much of the info is repeated from earlier weeks and there is sometimes nothing new. :( Can't we just send our kids to school with a flash drive and call it good?

Rochelle said...

Very true, they bring home so much that could be double sided and is not.
They need to make better use of emailing things to those who have e-mail and only send home paper to those who do not.

Mark said...

Very much agreed. That's why at our school we've gone back to the slate board and chalk. It's great. And the homework is e-mailed, which some of it we print out, but it does save on paper and the time making copies.

Marie said...

I don't think so - I get so much stuff that I barely glance over before it goes in the recycle - I get tired of all the clutter from school.

Tiffini said...

I agree too! Too much paper...and a lot of it seems like fluffy work. I am just thankful that we have recycling.

Adrienne said...

I am so with you. It's such a waste. If nothing else it should be required that the schools recycle. sigh.