Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What's wrong with me?

This morning while all the kids were at preschool I loaded up the van with all of the junk I've been cleaning out and headed to GOODWILL. I was feeling really excited to be getting rid of so much stuff. I just love having a cleaned out house! As I was unloading my van my good feeling about cleaning out the house started to leave me, and my eyes began to tear up. I fought them off the best I could so the GOODWILL guy wouldn't think I was totally nuts, but I just couldn't help myself. One of the big items that we had decided to get rid of was the trike. Now that Rowan's riding his big bike, there's just really no reason to keep tripping over it in the garage. While the GOODWILL guy looked at me questioningly I actually had to set this aside and think about whether or not I was really ready to part with it. This seems like the last tangible piece of little boyhood at our house. They're all just too big and too independent. This trike has been the first set of wheels for all three of the boys. It had the extra cool feature of having a bucket on the back, perfect for taking stuffed animals, action figures and sippy cups along with you. Even though it's a little banged up and the dinosaur stickers are peeling off, there's still just something special about it. I hope it's next owner will love it as much as we have.


Paige said...

Aw, there is nothing wrong with you. I get the same way. I'm sure that someone will be SO thrilled to find that trike and make their own memories of boyhood with it. :)

Toshia said...

I love getting rid of stuff for goodwill or the DI. I think I am addicted to it... Andrew has to hide his things from me because if I don't think it is needed, it is gone. I am so mean!

Warmbeachjo said...

That trike has been through a lot. It will be well loved again.

Aundrea said...

It's sad when you realize how fast everyone is growing up! I'm sure another little guy will be happy to make his own fun memories with it.

Jodi said...

Ok, there is definitely nothing wrong with you. I got a little teary eyed just reading your post...thinking about how hard that moment will be for me, someday! I am sure you have lots of pictures of the kids riding so the trikes memory will last forever in your house :)

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with you!!! And if there is than there is something wrong with the rest of us, too :) Oh man, I will SO be there someday. I may not ever part with the trike to be honest with you. It might just become garage decor or something :) My Dad gave it to Bailey, and being that he passed away I am even that much more attached to it. These moments of our boys fleeting childhood are just so hard!

Marie said...

It's good to be sentimental! I'm less so than Jeff. I finally had to pack up his old suitcases from his mission (that had holes in them) with clothes for the DI and get rid of them - it took him a month to realize they were gone and then he was sad! They just triggered a lot of good memories and that's something to be grateful for.

Candy said...

This is exactly why I still have three tubs of baby toys in my garage hidden under the lables of crafts so David won't throw them out:)