On Christmas eve we decorated cookies for Santa.
Our kids traditionally get to open new jammies on Christmas eve. This year I just made them some sleep pants, and we gave them each a new book, so that they could read if they were having trouble going to sleep that night.
Paul got the "pleasure" of having his traditional Christmas eve sleep over with the kids, so he could prevent them from getting up too early. They woke him up at 3 and 4 and then they finally convinced him to get up a little before 6. They all got big new lego sets from Santa, and a few things from us.I can't believe how excited Fuller was to get new socks!
Once the presents were all opened everyone cleared themselves a spot and began building with their new legos. Paul cooked us aebelskivers and bacon for breakfast, and then we dragged the kids away from all of their new stuff to go spend the rest of the day at my parent's house. At their house we had lots of relatives to play with, presents to open, and more delicious food than we could possibly eat.
Rowan still thinks the only way to interact with Uncle Jim is to attack him and climb all over him.
Grayson was really trying to out shine all of us. He picked his outfit out the night before and fixed his hair and everything. He really wanted to look nice on Christmas.
Grandma and Grandpa really came through for Fuller this year! It was a dream come true.
I can't believe we got a picture where everyone looks half way decent!
My sister and her family made a last minute decision to come to Oregon on Christmas, we're sure glad they did. It was really fun to have them here, but after the driving conditions they had to deal with I'm not so sure they thought it was a good idea.
Aunt Enid shared one of her family's English Christmas traditions, of poppers. She had to help the kids get their paper crowns right first.
Here's my folks with all of their grandchildren. My poor mom is now almost shorter than most of them.
And since then we've pretty much all just been channeling our inner rock star.
I'm sad to say that the Christmas cards never did get mailed, or written. Maybe I'll work on them on New Years Eve or something. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!
Nice family picture! I agree, they can be few nad far betwee. Sounds like you had a good Christmas. Fuller scored with Guitar Hero and socks! And that was me that deleted the comment. I actually called it Rock Band and didn't want to look like a dork but now I just explained it to everyone so I should have just left it alone!
What a great Christmas! Love those PJ bottoms ... you've given me a great idea for next year! We played the guitar hero at a party the other night ... I think my hubbie is going to try to justify buying for a 4 1/2 year old ... so he can play with it! ha!
It was close to 60 degrees here ... wish we had a bit of a white Christmas ... not 10 feet just a few inches would have been nice!
sounds like a good XMAS for us both. we do the PJ thing xmas eve too.. yes we got some crazy WII games hoping it doesn't consume them too much but if we do get another storm this winter we'll keep more busy.. i like to call this XMAS a old fasion one with electricity LOL!! talk soon
legos and guitar hero . . . a perfect christmas!
about the poppers game . . . yesterday, one of the checkers at Container Store was wearing a crown just like those. Hmm, strange.
Glad you had a Merry Christmas! Gread pics, too. I love your family one, it's great!
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