Friday, December 12, 2008

Flashback Friday- The Ghost of Christmas Past

I must have been a REALLY good little girl, because Santa sure seems to have brought me lots of stuff. It's so funny the things we remember. I totally remember that little green striped bear. I think I had it up until I left for college. I also remember the trees of my childhood. For several years (how many was it Dad?) we had a live tree. For most of the year it lived out on the patio in a large pot, and then for Christmas we would put in on one of my brother's skateboards and begin the difficult process of moving the big unwieldy thing in the house. It was kind of an odd shaped tree, but we liked it anyway, and once it was covered in decorations it was harder to tell how ugly it was.

Most years we just spent Christmas at home with our family. I love that we always had a jigsaw puzzle going, and had time to play games as a family. Good Memories!


Anonymous said...

I love your fbf's!!! Seeing you as a little girl is so fun :) Childhood Christmas memories are the best.

Aundrea said...

I love that baby buggy! So cute!

Warmbeachjo said...

You look very cute. Next time can you find a photo of me with my eyes open.