Friday, June 8, 2007

The best boss they'll ever have!

The kids had no school today, so that teachers could fill out end of the year report cards. We took advantage of the day off and went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the day. The boys have been dying to do some work for Grandpa. It's one of their favorite things in the world. It doesn't matter if he has rocks or bark dust for them to haul, or tree branches for them to pick up. I wish I could say that they like this so much because they love to help Grandpa out, but the truth of it is, Grandpa pays really well. My boys love money, and love spending it! They are incapable of saving at this point, unless they have to because I won't take them to the store. They moved rocks for less than half an hour today, and Fuller and Grayson each made $10, and Rowan, who does almost nothing made $6. I need a job like that! Plus, Grandma made them hot dogs and chips for lunch, and ice cream bars for dessert. They are sooo spoiled! They talked me into stopping at Target on the way home, so they could spend their money, and after almost an hour of painful decision making, spent their money. Fuller bought a nerf vortex football, cool hot wheels car, and candy. Grayson bought a hot wheels construction set, and Rowan bought a squirt gun and 2 hot wheels. They were quite pleased, and Rowan laughed all the way home about how much he was going to squirt Fuller and Grayson!

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joshua said...
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