Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Great Wolf Adventure

This week we let the kids miss a little school in the name of fun. We've been wanting to go check out Great Wolf Lodge since it opened and figured we'd better go during the week when it would be less crowded. We were all really impressed with the lodge. It's big, beautiful and has lots of amenities. We didn't even get to much of the stuff that there is to do outside of the water park.

They have pajama story time in the lobby every evening for the younger guests. We missed the story, but we did get to meet this cute wolf. (Fuller and Grayson declined when asked if they wanted to give him a hug.)

I had to include this picture of the stairs, the stairs of doom as I like to think of them. These are the stairs that take you to the start of the "Howlin' Tornado" and the equally terrifying "River Canyon Run". Fuller and Grayson seemed to never get tired of climbing those stairs, although they did say their legs were sore at night.

This is one of those areas where it seems like water is coming at you from all sides. There is a big bucket on top of this tower that fills with 1000 gallons of water and then when it starts to tip you can run under it and get drenched. It really takes your breath away. Grayson said it was "refreshing".

The three amigos. The boys all got along really well, and just had a great time. It was wonderful to watch them have so much fun together.

The kids all spent a lot of time using this cargo netting to cross the lily pads. Grayson and Fuller got pretty competitive about who could do it faster, so Paul had to time them. Grayson was the fastest. I was really sad that I didn't have my camera with me later on when Paul tried it. I can't remember when I've laughed so hard.

Here's the boys coming out of the Tornado tube, laughing and smiling. Their enjoyment of scary things bothers me a little.

This is the wave pool, and let me tell you some of those waves can hit you pretty hard. After Rowan about got plowed over his first time in there I felt much better with him in a life jacket.

Grayson and Rowan loved standing under this water mushroom!

This was such a wonderful little get away, full of great family fun. We weren't all in perfect health, in fact the night before we left we almost canceled since Grayson had a fever. But we're so glad that we forged ahead. It was just what we needed. As we were walking out to leave Rowan started sobbing. He said it was just too hard to leave when he was having so much fun. When we got home the boys started a collection jar so that they can start saving up to go again. We will definitely be going back!


Jodi said...

OH MY HECK...that looks like SOOOOO much fun! How long of a drive is it up to the lodge? Did you stay overnight? Is it 'day trip' doable?
I'm glad you had such a refreshing time! I love the picture of the three boys sitting together on the chairs. Classic.

Anonymous said...

Fun! We told the boys recently that going to GWL will be their "reward" for learning to swim without waterwings (not there yet) and as you can imagine they are pretty motivated now! I showed them these pics and all of us were just ooooing and awwwwwing over all the fun we could have there!
BTW, I was going to talk to you at church today but Bailey had another allergy attack last night and his eyes are swollen shut so I will be staying home with him today, but Grayson asked me to call you and set up a playdate soon for him and Bailey, and since we will be here for several more weeks now we should set something up. I just have to get his allergy meds squared away but once I do maybe we can set a park date up or something!

Elder Caleb Habel said...

I SO WANNA GO! That looks like some serious out of control fun! Everything looks HUGE! Date night anyone? Wouldn't that be an absolute blast to go with a bunch of couples? Would you take kids younger than Rowan?

Rochelle said...

I really want to save up and take the kids! I've been looking forward to your review!!