Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Four down, one to go

We've had a stomach bug making it's way through our house this week. I'm so thankful that we have three bathrooms, we've sure needed them! Rowan had it first and the easiest. He threw up Friday after dinner, slept through the night and was fine the next morning. Grayson was tired and had no appetite Saturday morning, but wasn't "actively" sick until the afternoon. My fun started late Sunday night, and I was still feeling icky when Fuller got home from school yesterday and announced that he felt sick. Yuck! Paul claims he isn't worried about getting it, because he never gets sick and he eats a lot of yogurt. I don't hold out much hope for him, it seems pretty catching.


Aundrea said...

So sorry your family is feeling yucky! I'm glad it moves through pretty quick and maybe it'll be done before Christmas:)

Marie said...

Oh, no fun to be sick. Meg's had a sore throat the last couple of days - but we've missed the stomach thing (fingers crossed!) I hope you're all feeling better soon.

Jodi said...

Oh no...I am so sorry! The stomach flu is the worst! I hope it makes its way through before Christmas so everyone can enjoy the holiday!

Paige said...

I think that Paul jinxed himself with his cocky remarks! LOL -- Brian always says that he NEVER gets sick, too. I'm sorry the rest of you got it. I hope it's gone for good!

Candy said...

So far only Autumn has had it but I have been told that it could show up again a week later - Yuck!