Friday, December 7, 2007

A major score

Unfortunately the children have really helped Buster develop his taste for people food. He licked this bag for crumbs until there was almost no bag left!


Candy said...

My kids would be so jealous to have a dog let alone get to share the goldfish crackers with it!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, what a cute doggy!!! I would feed him goldfish crackers too :)

We have contemplated getting the boys a puppy for awhile now, and had plans to do it for Christmas this year but because we are trying to sell our house we thought we better wait it out, so hopefully next year!!!

Paige said...

Hey, at least he is hanging out on his new bed!! LOL Buster cracks me up. And you KNOW that since you took pictures of him instead of screaming at him like a banshee that he thinks it was okay, right?? Hee hee.

Shannon b said...

hey, I've never seen your dog before. But I'm extra glad you posted this so I can show Conner. We just had a conversation/debate the other day in which he was convinced there was no such thing as black dogs. They can only be brown or blackish-brownish according to him. So now I have proof!!

Jodi said...

What a cute dog! He is teaching your boys valuable lessons...they are learning how to share!

Ben would love a dog but I am not yet ready for all the responsibility!

Rochelle said...

Buster is beautiful! I had no idea you had a dog. I love the things we learn about each other through the blogging world!