Saturday, February 23, 2008

Question of the day

Can 10 year old boys have pms? Or is there some testosterone version of it I don't know about?


Toshia said...

first off sorry to hear about your arm/hand. Hope you get better quick! And second, in answer to your question. YES! I am pretty sure that men/boys PMS as well as us ladies. The problem is that they don't follow any sort of regular cycle so they are worse! And totally unpredictable :) I don't know if they medically have something equivalent, but you never know... good luck with that.

Paige said...

Um, I believe that particular PMS lasts until sometime mid-mission. That's why we SEND them on missions, to keep their mothers from killing them for being so moody and idiotic. Good luck.

Rochelle said...

Dito what Paige said!

Tiffini said...

I agree with all of the above. I have heard of some study that supports the idea of boys having a "hormonal cycle".