Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This is the time of year when I usually look at our yard and think- ICK! The grass is dying, since I rarely remember to water it. The weeds are thriving and staging a take over. It's pretty much just a mess. So, the other day I was fooling around with my new camera out there (man I love that thing!) and was surprised at how much beauty there actually is in my yard. You just have to look at the yard in very small sections, and very close up to find it. So I've decided to ignore the horrible lawn and other ugly parts of the yard, and focus on what looks good.

Our first pepper

amazing orange swiss chard stalks

baby tomatoes

Beautiful and delicious romaine

The kids have been going crazy eating these things right off the vine.

I don't know if this freaky three pronged carrot counts as beauty, but the boys were sure impressed by it.


Candy said...

Love the colors in the photos - it is amazing when we look at how much beauty there is!

Shannon b said...

I love the carrot! It looks like a claw!

Elder Caleb Habel said...

What treasures you have in your own backyard!