Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quirky Me

I've been tagged to post 6 of my quirks, but it's such a dilemma. I don't want to share anything too weird. So here goes:
1. I'm a chronic, terrible tooth grinder. (Dentists have gotten very rich off of me because of this!)
2. I can't whistle. People have tried to help me, but I just can't.
3. The smell of hand sanitizer makes me gag, bad. So does mustard.
4. I have an irrational fear of driving over bridges.
5. I HATE gum! I don't like to see or hear people chewing it, and I have an aversion to the smell of bubble gum. (weird huh?)
6. If I'm flipping through the channels and happen upon a movie from the 80's with Molly Ringwald in it, I absolutely HAVE to watch it! Even though I've seen Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and Sixteen Candles a million times already.


Anonymous said...

Funny :) You're not weird, these were great! Although I will probably be more aware of chewing gum around you now, lol! And for some reason I have irrational dreams about going over steep bridges, more like nightmares. They can be scary.

Shannon b said...

I'm right there with you on #1 and #2!

Toshia said...

Can I just say you are the first person to feel the same way about gum as I do? Ask anyone in my family, they think I am so strange! Here is to a gum free world :)

Candy said...

The bridge thing gets me too - and at times that is not a good thing!

Rochelle said...

Yep, your secrets are out, Im not sure if we can be friends any more!!! I grind my teeth too.