Friday, March 28, 2008

What's going on here?

I woke up this morning to an unbelievable sight- SNOW! Lots and lots of snow! It's too warm for it to stick, but there sure is a lot of beautiful white stuff falling from the sky. Over the years I've come to accept that spring vacation in Oregon is just not going to be warm and sunny. I've spent my share of spring vacations watching it rain and hail, but NEVER snow. Yesterday as I was driving home from my parents house I got caught in the worst, and most amazing hail storm of my life. Darn el nino!


Toshia said...

My thoughts exactly! Isn't snow what you wish for at Christmas break and not Spring break?!

Candy said...

I could not believe the snow either. I had planned on working in the yard today. I guess that will have to wait until next weekend - What a fun idea for your kids and Paul! Canada is so beautiful and what a memory he is creating. You guys always do the funnest things!