Monday, May 5, 2008

We're getting a raise?

This morning I made Rowan's final preschool payment, which is our final preschool payment EVER. WOO HOO! Extra money every month! Well that would be true if that didn't also mean that now he's old enough to play sports. This weekend I filled out soccer registration for next fall, all three of the boys will be playing. So, I pretty much just signed away all of my Saturdays for next fall, plus a major chunk of change for registration and new uniforms. Isn't that just the way it always goes, just when you think you're going to have a little extra money, something comes up to take it away!


Jodi said...

I, too, was thrilled to make our last payment...for a few years anyway :)

Rochelle said...

I just made my first payment and I have two years of it. I guess that will be my next milestone, diapers are done now it's preschool!